My fraternity brother, Darien Wood and his wife, Ela, joined us for a great
trip in the middle section of Maine. We visited Burnt Coat Harbor on Swan's
Island, Bunker's Harbor on the Downeast side of Schoodic Head, and Valley Cove
in Somes Sound. We had serious fog for the trip to and from Bunker's.
Fortunately, there was some adventure in sailing in nearly zero visibility
conditions to compensate for the loss of the spectacular views of Schoodic Head
and the southern end of Mt. Desert Island. Darien and Ela were kind of enough to
make an attempt to explain some of the high energy physics research they are
involved in. It was fascinating even to scratch the surface with them on this
Burnt Coat Harbor, Swan's Island
On the way to the top of Mt. Acadia.
We were sailing in zero visibility, but the uv rays from the sun could still
get through, so a thorough dousing of sun-tan oil was important.